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A Spotify profile that catches the eye!

When listening to music from Spotify, have you noticed that some profiles look different from others? Some of them immediately strike you with their visuals - especially the intro and profile photos, you can read the band's history or explore it further on Facebook or Instagram. Other profiles, by contrast, are completely blank, barren. First impressions are extremely important, and it's how your profile looks that can make the difference in whether or not your fans listen to your music.

Not sure how to access your Spotify music profile? Then this guide is for you. | Photo:

So what is the main difference? It's the Verified Artist status you can get from Spotify to access your profile. A lot of people don't even know this is possible, let alone how to achieve it. It's a very simple process, which we'll go through together in this article.

Anyone with music on Spotify can get Verified Artist status. The only condition is that Spotify has to verify that it's really you. The profile management centre is the website Spotify for Artist or the mobile app of the same name, where you can learn interesting tips and news directly from the creators of Spotify, but also where you can log in to your profile and manage it.

To register on the Spotify Artist site, you must first have a profile on classic Spotify (all registrations are absolutely free). You can then use these credentials to sign in to Spotify for Artists.

Once you have completed your first registration, join the site Spotify for Artist and click the "Get Access" button at the top right.

On the next page, select "Artist or manager". Then sign in with your regular Spotify account and click Continue.

You should now be on the page where you select the artist you want to access. Find this profile or enter its URL.

Now enter your company (band) email. To avoid any delays, we recommend you enter the email you used when you registered with your distributor or the email that is visible on your website or social media profiles (if you have the same email everywhere, you're practically screwed). Spotify can verify the validity of your email address by sending you a security code.

Once you've verified your email address, enter the information needed to create your profile - first name, last name, role and company if applicable.

In the final step, Spotify needs to verify that it's really you. The easiest way to confirm this is by signing in via Instagram or Twitter. You can also enter a link to your website or perhaps Facebook. However, your email should be the same as the one you entered when you signed up. After that, just click on the "Submit" button and your application will be sent. It should be processed in a matter of hours, a few days at most.

Once you've been approved for access to your profile, you'll immediately gain Verified Artist status and access to your profile settings. Just re-enter the page Spotify for Artist and log in. From here, you can follow news and tips directly from Spotify, track your playlist stats, or completely set up your profile (photos, caption, links, gigs, etc.). You can also invite the rest of your band or management team and manage their level of access.

This article was written in collaboration with Frontman magazine |


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